uTorrent (or uTorrent,
commonly abbreviated as "µT" or "uT") is a free,
ad-supported, closed source BitTorrent client owned and developed by
BitTorrent, Inc. With over 100 million users it is the most widely used BitTorrent
client outside China; globally only behind Xunlei.
Unlike many other torrent clients
available, uTorrent does not eat away at valuable system resources; in
fact, the program typically runs on approx. 6MB of memory. uTorrent is
contained within a single executable file, smaller than 1 MB. You can also use
it as utorrent search engine
Features include:
- BitTorrent Labs icon to the status bar
- Help menu items for bundle and BitTorrent Labs
- Change logging in settings to remove OpenX
- Keyboard shortcut to refresh ads now
- Overlay image when "i" is hovered over
- Custom PDD
- Teredo Tunneling / IPv6 support
- UPnP support for all versions of Windows
- Peer exchange
- Protocol Encryption
The uTorrent software was
designed to use only minimal resources, yet still offering the functionality
comparable to larger BitTorrent clients. uTorrent free is very
user-friendly; the program updates are not scheduled and are only released when
thoroughly tested. This product is available for all major releases of Windows.
Title: uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 36044
Filename: uTorrent.exe
File size: 1.61MB (1,690,192 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Author: uTorrent
To Download Utorrent for PC Click here
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