Monday, January 23, 2017

Microsoft Word 2013 Free Download

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Microsoft Word 2013 is the popular word processing program by Microsoft. Word 2013 can be used in conjunction with other Microsoft programs or as a stand-alone product for producing a variety of documents for professional or personal use. 

Using Microsoft word 2013 users are able to fully customize the look and feel of the document with text formatting, styles and themes. 
The 2013 version of Microsoft Word has incorporated a distraction-free reading layout that improved upon the readability of previous versions. While in Read Mode, users view documents in an electronic book-style format similar to popular e-readers. Microsoft Word 2013 has many attractive features such as those mentioned, as well as some challenging aspects for beginners.

Other killing features are given below:

Enjoy Reading
Get absorbed in Word documents right from your screen with a new clean, comfortable reading view.

Zooming object
Double-tap with your finger or double-click with your mouse to zoom in and make tables, charts and images in your document fill the screen. Focus on and take in the information, then tap click again outside the object to zoom out and continue reading.
Reading resume
Reopen a document and keep reading right where you left off. Word remembers where you were—even when you reopen an online document from a different computer!

Find Online Videos
Insert online videos you can watch right in Word, without having to leave the document, so you can stay focused on the content.

Online Template
In Office 2013, you will find huge ready template from Online. Just search in the box and use it. All are free.

Reply to comments and mark them as done

Comments now have a reply button. You can debate and easily track comments right next to the relevant text. And when a comment is addressed and no longer requires attention, you can mark it as done. It will be greyed out to keep out of your way, but the conversation will still be there if you need to revisit it later.

So, Why are you waiting for?

Download Microsoft Word 2013 from Here

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