Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Anydesk Download Free

If you working together? You want to access your apps from the road and to show your family videos to your friends? With AnyDesk you can do them all. And your data stays at home.

Anydesk is Perspective on Remote Desktop


How should remote desktop work? What is feasible with modern computer hardware? AnyDesk was designed from the ground up to be ground breaking. At its core is DeskRT, a new video codec that is specifically designed for graphical user interfaces. That's why AnyDesk is one leap ahead.



AnyDesk offers TLS1.2 based encryption which is also used in online banking.No Borders

No borders 


Tired of copying your files between your devices all the time? Go home early with AnyDesk. Use office software from your laptop and don't worry about license issues or performance. And if your laptop gets stolen, your business secrets will be safe on your office computer - no need to trust cloud based services.


No Lags 

AnyDesk connections are being routed over Erlang-based servers. This technology is widely used in large and robust telecommunication systems. And its reliability makes sure our product is available whenever you need it.


No Limits 

AnyDesk is the first remote desktop software that doesn't require you to think about what you can do. CAD, video editing or simply working comfortably with an office suite for hours are just a few examples.



We managed to pack all these features into an incredibly small file of just one megabyte. Downloaded in a glimpse, sent via email, or fired up from your USB drive, AnyDesk will turn any desktop into your desktop in seconds. No administrative privileges or installation needed.



For casual private use, AnyDesk is free. For regular home or office use we offer flexible plans with many useful premium features for private power users and companies.


Anydesk Download Free Here